× Ritorna la 49^ edizione della 100km del Passatore - 25-26 maggio 2024
LE BOCCHE DEI CANALI - 100 KM del Passatore | Firenze - Faenza


Le Bocche dei Canali (Rotonda della 100 km del Passatore) – 97,5 km

Villa Persolino Villa Rotonda

From the aforementioned location “Cartiera” we head towards the city. A few hundred meters away the hill of Persolino appears with its villa of the late eighteenth century, which became the seat of the School of Agricultural Practice F.C. Caldesi (as seen from the inscription on the facade) and the current headquarters of the State Professional Institute for Agriculture and the Environment. The villa was never built because it is not possible to give this name to the modest construction that dominates this small hill. Its garden can be traced back to the end of the 18th century. It should be remembered that interesting finds have been found below which represent a testimony that the first inhabitants of the Faenza area were the Etruscans. These will be replaced by the Gauls Boi. In the background, the facade of the “Villa La Rotonda”, a house and perhaps even a Masonic temple, which belonged to Achille Laderchi, masons and patrons of the architect Giovanni Antonio Antolini of Castelbolognese (1798-1805).

We continue further to reach a crossroads of roads, two to be exact. However, both lead, even from different points, towards the city center. Here was once visible a large canal (now covered) that crosses the city and which once fed the surrounding vegetable gardens with water which thus supplied the city with good quality agricultural products. This place is commonly called by the Faentini “mouths of the canals”.

Piero Malpezzi

In 2011, the roundabout built by the Municipality of Faenza and located at the Bocche dei Canali, or in the last stretch of the most famous ultramarathon in the world, was named after 100 km of the Passatore. The intervention completes the Faenza-Errano cycle-pedestrian path, 1,650 m long, of which 300 through the suggestive passage in the Persolino grove – a real walk in the countryside – and includes the construction of a roundabout junction at the intersection of the aforementioned Bocche dei Channels. The rotunda has an internal diameter of 30 m and an external diameter of 50, whose turning crown is illuminated with a new LED system with very low consumption and long life. The interior of the roundabout is completed with loose gravel to prepare for the installation of a work of art in the future, without the need for demolition or additional works. The intervention was completed with the creation of protected pedestrian crossings in the Florence and Grand Canal streets for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

From the press release