× Ritorna la 49^ edizione della 100km del Passatore - 25-26 maggio 2024
PISTRINO - 100 KM del Passatore | Firenze - Faenza


Pistrino – km 80,5

Placed on a picturesque hill full of green well into the interior and not visible from the road this place is remembered as the primitive seat of an antique monastery and then of a castle that in 1284 belonged to the already mentioned Maghinardo Pagani di Susisana, called the “demon of pagans” by Dante. The historian Metelli writes that Maghinardo was forced to restore the castle to Faenza as the result of an arbitration by Guglielmo Durante, Vicar of Romagna.

The locality is also remembered by Achille Lega (1824 – 1829) in his work “Fortilizi in Val Damone”. He says that Pistrino, Castel Poggiale and Ghiozzano were once equippied with fortresses. In his census of 1371 Cardinal Anglico Pistrino records it as a “Villa” and as having 27 hearths (about 189 residents).

Today nothing remains of this ancient residence (of monks? Of a large land owner?) but a strong rectangular  tower (16m high, 8mx6.7m) that rises on the highest point of the hills (228m above sea level) that was once protected by a wall that may have once surrounded the position. Until recently this place belonged to the Bassani family and is now the property of Mario and Paola Zoffoli.

It is said that the tower was restored by Antonio Bassani in 1688 and subsequently by his descendants. For this reason it is still visible today, emerging from the midst of an ample green field. Recent studies tell us that a windmill once existed in this place, the only one in the zone. Popular tradition states that this ancient mill had been built by monks to save the poor people from the exorbitant taxes of the local feudal lord.

“Fra Guida da Pistrino” a celebrated preacher is remembered by many historians as a singular character who inspired vast admiration of his knowledge, especially of things sacred.

Piero Malpezzi

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