Polcanto – km 21,7 – Refreshment N° 5
Polcanto, village of Borgo San Lorenzo, on Highway 302 Faentina Brisighelese | The bubbling stream called “Polcanto” touches the Highway 302, between the village of Mulinaccio (Vaglia) and Polcanto |
A place where History, or legend, tells us that in 1184 Ubaldino della Pila, during a hunting trip the local lord managed to capture a large deer by the antlers, thus giving Emperor Federica 1st Barbarossa the chance to kill the great beast with an arrow. The small church of San Donato in Polcanto rebuilt after the disastrous earthquake of June 29th, 1919, safeguards precious works of art within its walls, while in the surrounding field a bronze busts reminds us of the sacrifice of the young parish priest, don Ubaldo Sazzini, who died tragically in 1944 at only 30 years of age while he tried to assist parishioners injured by the explosion of a bomb during the last world war.
Aldo Giovannini
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