× Ritorna la 49^ edizione della 100km del Passatore - 25-26 maggio 2024
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The magical Passatore by Angela Gargano, Mariella Dileo, Gionata Cedrola and Nicola Laporta by Mariella Dileo

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The magical Passatore by Angela Gargano, Mariella Dileo, Gionata Cedrola and Nicola Laporta

Details Written by Mariella Dileo Category: Ultramarathon Published: 06 June 2015 There are journeys ... and journeys ... There are friends ... and friends ... There are some trips you can only do with certain friends because they require that you...

Never say 100 km !

Never say 100 km ! Thinking about the distance of 100 km, to go running, can make you shiver and anxiety. Yet this is already the edition n. 43 of the "100 km del Passatore". At the start we introduce ourselves in about 2,300 and every year the number of participants increases. This seems reassuring,...

Omnia vincit Amor

Omnia vincit Amor Love conquers all   Veronica ran her first Passatore in May 2013, together with her friends Tamara, Massimiliano and Gabriele. Being at the start of the “world’s most beautiful race” was already a great victory for Veronica on its own who, in order to be able to race the Passatore she had already won a...

“By participating in a hundred kilometers all other distances are annihilated.”

(I quickly write two lines while the house is sleeping. It will be impossible after that. Noo, you understand, it's me who can't do it differently.) "By participating in a hundred kilometers all other distances are annihilated." A circular journey. ..I find myself catapulted on the dock of Principe station. Waiting for the 7.47 train to Pisa in addition...

The 25th of Giustino

    On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 May the 44th edition of the Passatore was run, one of the craziest races in which he participated: 100km to race starting from via dei Calzaiuoli in Florence, up to Piazza del Popolo in Faenza passing through Fiesole, Borgo San Lorenzo , Marradi, Brisighella… .. This year for the...


WHAT WAS THE PASSATORE FOR ME? It was a challenge that I thought was bigger than me, a challenge where I gave myself very low chances of success, certainly the biggest challenge since I started running. A challenge that I faced with so much humility but also with so much determination, aware that my physique was...

See you next time! by Francesca Spinsanti

  A few days after the registration for 2020, many emotions invade me. In November 2018 a thought begins to whip in my head. Passatore. 100 km. Distance has never frightened me. Rather. A challenge that excites me. Speed scares me. But in long distance races the pace counts, but the head counts more than the legs. After the Valencia...


(rope attachment stick that was in the back of the old ox-drawn carts) by Luigi Rusticali Joke in Romagna dialect of a participant in the 100Km Passatore di Russi (RA) who did not complete the race stopping at Borgo San Lorenzo. (May 26, 1978)   Fata testa cl’ha la zent che cun poch alenament la cred che arivér a Fèèza, aviendas da...


Finally ... "I was there!". I had had it told a thousand times during the Sunday races and already through those stories I had experienced the enthusiasm, the small sufferings, the human charge of those who had already run "The Passer" and every time I heard about it I felt a particular shiver. Finally I lived this...