× Ritorna la 49^ edizione della 100km del Passatore - 25-26 maggio 2024
MY BIONIC FRIEND - 100 KM del Passatore | Firenze - Faenza



Dedicated to … my bionic friend

My “bionic” friend is called Enrica Oss Emer, a well-known face in the panorama of Perginian runners.

Bionica is seriously bionic, in the sense that she has been running for two years with a small hip prosthesis. This fact certainly did not prevent her from continuing to run, from training and from trying extreme tests. She endured pain and fatigue, always with the enthusiasm and iron will that distinguish her. I know her well, she is a formidable teacher, always committed and at the forefront, capable of establishing deep and constructive relationships with children (editor’s note: thanks for the exaggerated praise). He can be stubborn and sometimes “brazen” when he defends the ideas and things he believes in.
As in the Passatore, a 100 km race, a splendid but demanding race. She believed it, she trained with constancy and determination, up and down the mountains, inside our valleys, grinding kilometers on kilometers. This is the true passion of those who, through their limits, manage to make their dream come true: to reach the finish line.
Brava Enrica you were exceptional, that’s why I wanted to re-propose below the few verses that we had dedicated to you, us friends, a few months ago, on the occasion of your birthday.

We are gathered here to celebrate

a truly exemplary girl.
Enrica Oss Emer is the athlete in question,
woman of temper and of great passion.
Always run, anywhere and anyway,
it is certainly not an ordinary woman.
Not even the hip, which was operated on,
she has certainly never stopped her!
And precisely because of this strong character
he will run forever until his death.
100 kilometers, daring challenge,
victory will be guaranteed !!
The Passatore awaits you slyly,

but you will win it with your great passion.
And if by chance you stop,
you don’t have to grieve.
Sweat, pain and a pinch of madness,
who have kept you company in these months,
they will make you a better athlete,
and a person with a big heart !!!

In the end you did it, you reached the finish line. Very good Enrica !!!!

Michela Grisenti

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